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Hi Sulakshana! Thank you for writing to me.

I feel what you need to work on to get results is consistency. Yes, I get it that you want to get rid of that fat but even when it comes to working out you cannot just workout once in a while and expect good results. You have to workout out at least 5 times a week and preferably 6 times.

I won’t recommend Ketogenic diet as I have never tried it myself and I am against short term diets, but yes increase your protein intake and reduce your carbs. Do not completely stop consuming carbs as carbs are essential too.  If you want to take an extreme step then completely cut off junk and sugar (juices, mocktails, sweets) and that should be sufficient. Do it for 1-3 months, this way at least you would not deprive yourself from important nutrients.

It is important to eat food , you aren’t supposed to cut it down you’re just supposed to eat healthy food. You do not need a diet plan, you need to eat what is made at home or similar to that except that it shouldn’t be fried. Don’t forget to add protein-rich food wherever you can (e.g. curd with meals, a bowl of chana (chickpeas) as snack, etc).

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